A delicious and refreshing fruit that is packed with nutrients and keeps you hydrated. Watermelon juice is pretty easy to make and requires just a few ingredients.
- Watermelon – half of a big one
- Lemon juice – half
- 1/4 cup water or coconut water – optional

Step 1
Refrigerate the watermelon for an hour or overnight.

Step 2
Cut into cubes and remove the seeds

Step 3
You can leave in the white seeds.

Step 4
Transfer into a blender.

Step 5
Add the juice of half a lemon or lime to bring out the sweetness. You could add some sugar to taste if you wish.

Step 6
Add 1/4 cup of cold water or coconut water if your blender can’t blend without liquid and blend until smooth.

Step 7
Strain to remove the seeds and pulp. You can leave in the pulp if you wish.

Step 8
Chill for a couple of minutes and serve.

Step 9
I love watermelon but I did not have it as a drink. I will try your recipe soon. It looks refreshing for the Summer.
Please do. It’s so refreshing.