These hearty egg cups are so delicious and can be altered to your taste. Add in some spinach, chopped sausages, bacon, tomatoes, or whatever you want...
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These stuffed buns are soft and tender with a delicious meat filling. It's perfect for breakfast, lunch or as an appetizer. You can use minced meat...
This nourishing beverage is filled with essential vitamins and minerals. Have a cup of it in the morning before breakfast or at any time of the day...
This lemonade is so good and refreshing. It's so easy to make and you only need three ingredients. Sugar, water and lemons!
These gizzards are perfect! They are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Serve them with some pepper sauce, spicy mayo, greek yogurt, or...
This pan-fried potatoes is so flavourful, delicious, and very easy to prepare. It's the perfect breakfast meal for when you need something yummy and...
This Chicken Stir Fry is so quick and easy to make. It's the perfect recipe for when you are hungry for something delicious but pressed for time. It...
Got some apples and you do not know what to do with them? Make these delicious apple muffins. They're tender, well-spiced and so good!
This homemade pizza recipe is so delicious. The sauce is flavourful, the crust is crisp and chewy and it's extremely easy to make. Follow the step by...
These muffins are so moist and chocolatey. They are easy to make and become tastier and moister the next day. Yum!