I made mayonnaise for the first time about 17 years ago and I was so excited about how easy it was and how delicious it tasted compared to store...
Category - All Recipes
Native Jollof rice is also known as palm oil rice is a delicacy made with local ingredients. It has its own unique flavour and taste that is...
A fantastic one-pot beef jollof rice recipe that smells and tastes amazingly good. The beef is tender and so flavourful and the rice is soft with no...
A quick, tasty and hearty stew recipe that is so finger-licking good. Serve it over pasta or noodles. Yum!
A flavourful butterflied chicken recipe that requires just a few ingredients. It's so juicy on the inside and wonderfully crispy on the outside and...
Coconut puff puff is a deep-fried batter that is insanely delicious! It is pillowy soft on the inside, coconutty and has the right amount of sweetness
These easy rolls are pillowy soft, buttery and a breeze to make. Not only are they easy to make, but they're also delicious.
Beans and corn mix stewed in a tasty pepper sauce. It's so satisfying, comforting, and a wonderful way to make and enjoy beans.
A quick and simple fried recipe that is irresistibly delicious and the absolute best!
A fantastic Lemon cake recipe with a tender crumb. This cake is moist and has just the right amount of lemony sweetness!