A fantastic one-pot beef jollof rice recipe that smells and tastes amazingly good. The beef is tender and so flavourful and the rice is soft with no...
Category - Cooking
A quick, tasty and hearty stew recipe that is so finger-licking good. Serve it over pasta or noodles. Yum!
Beans and corn mix stewed in a tasty pepper sauce. It's so satisfying, comforting, and a wonderful way to make and enjoy beans.
A quick and simple fried recipe that is irresistibly delicious and the absolute best!
Simple Chilli Fish recipe that is tangy, full of bold flavours and so delicious! You can serve it as an appetizer or with fried rice and noodles.
This classic chicken recipe is deliciously crispy on the outside and tender and juicy on the inside. This resulting chicken is full of flavours...
Delicious beef stew that is tender, juicy, and packed full of amazing flavours, and so finger-licking good!
Chilli Garlic Oil is a versatile oil. It adds incredible flavour and spice up your dishes. Drizzle it on your noodles, pasta, vegetables, pizza, use...
Crispy fried onions also called Beresta or Birista takes your dish to the next level. It's a great addition to your marinades, use it to make your...
Simple snail sauce that is finger-licking good. Pair it with rice, yam, potatoes, or simply eat as is with your favourite drink.