Site icon Recipes by Dolapo Grey

Ogbono Soup

Ogbono is a viscous soup enjoyed by many tribes in Nigeria. It’s tasty, easy, and quick to prepare, and delicious.



Ogbono soup recipe by Dolapo Grey

Step 1

Gather your ingredients

Ogbono soup recipe by Dolapo Grey

Step 2

Heat up the palm oil in a pot over medium heat. Do not bleach. Add the blended Ogbono

Step 3

Fry for about 1 minute, stirring constantly so it doesn’t burn.

Step 4

Add the beef/chicken broth and allow to cook for about 20 minutes.

Step 5

Add the chopped pepper and some water if soup is to thick.

Step 6

Add the meat, stock fish and smoked fish.

Step 7

Continue cooking for another 10 minute.

Step 8

Taste. If your beef or chicken stock is rich you won’t need to season again, if not adjust seasoning and add the blended crayfish and cook for another 5 minute.

Step 9

Now add the sliced okra and cook for no more than 3 minutes.

Step 10

Enjoy with side of choice.

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