If you love Coconuts and you love Fried rice, you'll sure love this recipe. It's very simple to make, yet deliciously good! To get the perfect...
Category - Dinner
Palm oil stew is local Nigerian stew made with blended peppers, palm oil, fermented locust beans and meats of choice. The use of palm oil and...
Ogbono is a viscous soup enjoyed by many tribes in Nigeria. It's tasty, easy to prepare and delicious.
This coconut goat curry is juicy, flavourful, tender, fall of the bone and insanely delicious. It takes over 3 hours to make but the wait is...
Stewed beans is an African staple, it is basically beans cooked with pepper, oil, salt and can be flavoured with ground crayfish if desired. Its...
This chicken is quick and easy to make, it's full of flavor, juicy on the inside and slightly crispy on the outside, what's not to love?
This simple chicken curry is so creamy, ''coconutty'' and tastes insanely yummy, down to the last spoon!
Egusi soup is a Nigerian delicacy usually served with swallow, it is tasty, incredibly delicious and easy to make. There are different versions of...
Ayamase stew aka ofada stew or designer stew is a deliciously good stew made using green atarodo, bleached palm oil, fermented locust beans, and...
Jollof rice is a one pot dish cooked in a pepper/tomato base, no Nigerian party is complete without Jollof rice. This recipe right here is a winner...